Populist eurosceptics have a nationalist vision of the future – but it rests on flawed assumptions, The Conversation, 5 Jun 2018.
Imagine your audience: new research on thinking about user identity, POLIS: Journalism and Society at LSE, 17 April 2018.
Germany’s (lack of) self-understanding, Euro Crisis in the Press Blog, 28 November 2017 (with Maria Brock).
How the GE2017 campaign is shaping up on Twitter, LSE Brexit Blog, 5 June 2017 (with Stefan Bauchowitz).
The economics of Brexit needn’t be quixotic: towards a green industrial strategy for Britain, LSE Brexit Blog, 9 March 2017 (with Afzal Siddiqui).
5 Questions on Digital Methods, HIIG Blog, 26 August 2016.
How Leave won Twitter: an analysis of 7.5m Brexit-related tweets, LSE Brexit Blog, 19 August 2016.
The battle lines have been etched, Euro Crisis in the Press Blog, 12 July 2016.
The EU, a Fair-Weather Ship Between Scylla and Charybdis, Euro Crisis in the Press Blog, 5 April 2016.
How visible are Britain’s EU renegotiation demands across Europe’s twitter spheres? Euro Crisis in the Press Blog, 8 November 2015 (with Stefan Bauchowitz).
A European Twitter sphere? What tweets on the Greek bailout say about how Europeans interact online, The LSE Impact blog, 18 October 2015 (with Stefan Bauchowitz).
Europe’s Gravest Threat: Doctrines Diverged, Euro Crisis in the Press Blog, 23 July 2015.
Greece – Deal or no deal? Parameters of a decision, Euro Crisis in the Press Blog, 7 June 2015.
Greece’s government deserves benefit of doubt, Euro Crisis in the Press Blog, 14 February 2015.
The End of Austerity in Europe? Euro Crisis in the Press Blog, 28 January 2015.
EU Membership and the Immigration ‘Problem’ – Fact and fiction in British public discourse, Euro Crisis in the Press Blog, 31 October 2014.
The Lost Art of Diplomacy: David Cameron to Europe’s Rescue? Euro Crisis in the Press Blog, 24 June 2014.
The European Elections in Germany: Satire and Concerns over the European Project, Euro Crisis in the Press Blog, 30 May 2014.
Disabused of Great Expectations? (Don’t) Hold your breath for Germany’s election, Euro Crisis in the Press Blog, 13 September 2013.
Greater public spending on alternative energy in Europe may be the key to a sustainable recovery, EUROPP Blog, 2 May 2013 (with Afzal Siddiqui)
Do Europeans share a common image of Europe? Euro Crisis in the Press Blog, 15 April 2013.
The Politics of Blame, Euro Crisis in the Press Blog, 22 March 2013.
One Continent, 27 Different Media: The German president appeals for a European Public Sphere, Euro Crisis in the Press Blog, 25 February 2013.
Revolutionary citizens become better journalists, POLIS: Journalism and Society at LSE, 29 March 2012.
News of the World Executives – how did they ‘not know?’, POLIS: Journalism and Society at LSE, 8 July 2011.
Media Pluralism: How Rawls can help us think about Newscorp’s BskyB bid, POLIS: Journalism and Society at LSE, 18 January 2011.